About us


There are human service in the DNA of the man from ancient world since creation of the Earth. This Earth had been destroyed many time but humanity alive till date The mankind also had been doveloped with changeable civilization since centuries on the earth human nver changed the social service among the society. There is early time after second world war it is decided that unity of such not govt organization must be assist and encouragement for the protection of mankind.​

 So every country have mandatory clause n their constitutions for assistance and encouragement for protection of humanity today Acording to act 21 of 1860 social welfare societies and non profitable companies also in working for developing all over the world to the mankind developing and protesting. there is need very such of the Trust in which some positive and relief deeds must be done under the legal banner. So our N.G.O named by “HUMAN EFFECTIVE RELIFF ADVANCE TRUST” has been came to existence and start working fast and positively accordingly to objectives of the Trust. In india, there are many N.G.Os. to support Nation save environment save water, save Earth, save health economy, education and developing the country and politically. Human Effective Relief Advance Trust has been established also protect and developing the mankind as well as humanity. We are committed separately and jointly oath under banner of Human Effective Relief Advance Trust to serve and effective advance relief for people of india and the world. During the financial year 2019-20 we have done some work.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Happy Student
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Blanket Distribution
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